Living, Laughing & Experiencing Life in Canada's Capital Region

Category Archives: toys

This summer the Guthrie kids are testing out the best toys the Summer of 2014 has to offer. With three children under ten, we have a wide variety of likes and interests. Luckily we have found toys that make all of the mini-me’s happy.

All three Guthrie’s wanted either a puppy, guinea pig, kitten or a new baby brother (WHAT?). A compromise needed to be reached in order to bring order back into our home.

We decided to add some aquatic members to our family. Meet the two newest members of our swimming family,



and Bubble Puffy Guthrie.



We named our Hexbug Aquabot Orangie and she is the first waterborne mirco robotic creature with smart fish technology. She is powered with electro-magnietic propoulsion, and propells herself around her bowl to explore her envormonement. Orangie came with her own bowl that the kids clean once a week as part of their chores.

The only issue the kids had with Orangie was that they thought she was lonely. So our next pet needed to be someone to keep Orangie  company. We decided on another Hexbug, this time a Aquabot 2.0 Angelfish, named Bubble Puffy Guthrie,  which is packed with smart fish technology, added sensors and an inner glow that makes her seem even more alive.

We have taken our Aquabot in the our pool and raced them, most of the time Bubble Puffy wins. Both fish made the trek to Grandma’s house this summer and have provided entertainment for the cats who live here.

Thanks to Hexbug for allowing us to test these hot summer products. These fish have quelled the “Can I have a puppy, kitten, new baby brother”,  question at least for a little while.
